
This page contains a list of the projects I have been involved in. You can also check out my GitHub profile here for all of my work.

  • 2048-AI: Re-implemented three different AI algorithms, namely Minimax with Alpha-Beta Pruning, Monte Carlo Tree Search, and Double Deep Q-Learning, to play the 2048 game. Recognized as the best term project in the CS461 - Artificial Intelligence course at Bilkent University for the 2023-2024 Fall Semester.
    Repository Python PyTorch Pygame

  • UDAQ-M: UDAQ-M is an Android application that allows R&D engineers to wirelessly log and monitor data collected from household appliances in real-time via Bluetooth, implementing the UART protocol underneath. The application has visualization capabilities for the data collected using tables and charts.
    Kotlin Android UART Bluetooth

  • CareerBridge: CareerBridge is a LinkedIn-like web application that aims to connect professionals with job opportunities. This application was created for the CS353 - Database Systems course at Bilkent University.
    Repository Python FastAPI TypeScript Angular MySQL Docker

  • ERSMS: An "Erasmus Registration Management System" designed specifically for Bilkent University. Proudly the highest-ranked term project of the CS319 course for the 2022-2023 Fall Semester, among 25 other projects.
    Repository C# .NET TypeScript Angular PostgreSQL Docker

  • Api-Doc: It is a static HTML documentation site generator for Jotform API Endpoints, which does not depend on handwritten doc comments on the source code.
    PHP Twig jQuery

  • Uptime Dashboard: Uptime Dashboard is a web application developed for Jotform Inc., which allows DevOps Engineers to monitor and track the uptime status of remote servers. In case of a server outage, the application sends notifications to the responsible DevOps Engineers.
    Python Django Celery Redis RabbitMQ MySQL Docker

  • friBot: A Discord bot which designed in order to supply my friends' needs.
    Repository C++ JSON SQLite

  • LabConnect: LabConnect facilitates communication between students, TA's, tutors, and instructors.
    Repository Java Spring React Redis MongoDB Docker

  • Data Transmission to Terminals on Local Network: Fast and secure data transmission can be made to a large number of computers using UDP or TCP protocols. Speed ​​up to hundreds of times more than Unicast sending technique can be achieved with this project. This project was entitled to be showcased in the TÜBİTAK Regional Competition in 2017.
    Project Report Pascal TCP/UDP

Course Related

  • CS342-Assignments: Assignments from Bilkent University CS342 course.
    Repository C GNU/Linux

  • CS315-Assignments: Assignments from Bilkent University CS315 course.
    Repository Dart PHP JavaScript Rust Ruby Lua Python Lex Yacc

  • CS223-224-Assignments: Term Project and Labs from Bilkent University CS223 and CS224 (placeholder for now) courses.
    Repository SystemVerilog MIPS Assembly

  • CS201-202-Assignments: Homework from Bilkent University CS201 and CS202 courses.
    Repository C++

  • CS101-102-Assignments: Homework and Labs from Bilkent University CS101 and CS102 courses.
    Repository Java